Sunday, November 27, 2011

My girl.....Britney

Let's talk a little bit about my girl....

Britney Spears

Crazy? Nawwww!

Genius? YES!

Let's start at the beginning.
She starts out as a small town girl working for the Mickey Mouse club.

Hey....the good ole' JT worked with her too! Where genius begins.

Yes, I know. Genius isn't the first thing that comes to mind when think Brit. You probably think

1. greasy mess

2. awful mother

3. lip singer

4. train wreck

but....these characteristics that you first thought is all part of my girls plan.

Now, I don't mean genius as in the intellectual high IQ kind, more like this kind of genius

or this......

or maybe even this kind of genius....

She then moved onto her teen pop years which included
"Hit Me Baby One More Time"
cue the short skirt, big boobs, and innocent 'lingerie' look where every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted...well wanted to be ** her.

The midriff = TOP RECORD SALES

Then came the red leather body suit...
this is where the boys lost it and where Halloween costume sales sky rocketed..
Brit set the bar so high others couldn't reach it such as Christina A. and Madonna. So she kissed them.
Every pop star with those pretty blonde locks and that could dance was immediately compared to my Brit. She was on Cloud 9. The problem with Cloud 9 is that it then begins to rain and you can't stay on that cloud forever.
She had used all of her tricks at this point. All the minnie mouse voice songs had been sung and you can only pull off the half naked pose so many times before everyone has seen it all and gets tired of looking at the fake boobs (which she claims never happened).
People got tired of her...

Her record sales dropped...

Her pretty face was all over every magazine and it wasn't selling...

She danced her heart out, no one watched (except those Chinese boys that still wanted...well....)

Britney Thought....
Which is where her 'genius' brain cell started working....
and gave us this....





So here you see....
Instead of busting her butt working harder, she just busted her butt out in front of our faces and of course we looked.

Reality TV= watching others lives that are worse than ours and we feel good about ourselves

Watching Britney Spears fall= feeling damn good about ourselves

Only a genius can fall from pretty blonde southern belle with a cute voice to trailer park ghetto with a side of ramen noodles.

She then she does this....

Our reaction to this is
"AWE HEEEEEEEECK NAW.  Here she comes....Miss Beautiful Britney."
She then releases a few hit songs. Hits because we greet her with smiles and hopes. We fall for it.
She makes millions.
But, then she randomly hits us with another bang. Just like an alcoholic goes to rehab...comes home...greeted with excitement and hope. Then we find out that they got a DUI last night and we crawl back into our hole of despair.
Yes. I love her. She's smart and knows how to work us. We keep buying her ups and downs along with some computerized music.

I'll admit......I love me some Britney playing in the background every day while washing my filth.

Yes, I've been caught dancing and singing to

in the shower. Husband thinks I'm crazy. Yes, I wish I looked like Brit. Yes, I'd be that crazed fan at her concert. Yes, I wish she'd come to Arkansas. Yes, I have all of her cd's....and yes I've been that faithful fan.

Good thing the hubs doesn't like her...he's more of a
kind of man. That's a post for another day.


  1. hahahaha. i love the detail and time you put into this. fabulous. so glad I found your blog. definitely following. If you get a sec I'd love to hear what you think of my fashion blog. It's all about the adventures of a southern girl turned LA local. xo

  2. hahah! I love this post!! Britney was in Houston last weekend and everyone has been blogging about it! Shes a mess but I love her!!
