Friday, December 23, 2011

Why Sugar Boo Pants is a bad gift giver

Scenario Uno:

Christmas 2010.
Our first Christmas together.
I ask for the usual. Jewlery, B&BW, and some books from a new series I had just started reading.

He tells his mom to get me this.
I am very grateful for my gifts, but I didn't know what this thing was. I didn't know how to work it. I liked having a real book in my hand that I could turn the pages and read in the bath tub.
I liked how I could trade and borrow books and buy them for $1 at garage sales.
Where did he get that I wanted a kindle? The opposite of what I love in a book.
So he tells Mom to get it and he will pay her half and just call that my Christmas. a year later he still hasn't paid her.

I use my Kindle every now and then. 
I truly am grateful for it.
The books are just more than I want to pay for.

Scenario Dos:
Valentine's Day 2011.
Flowers- good decision.
Tanning bed certificate- not so good.
When have you seen me go to the tanning bed, Sugarboo?
So I take the certificate to the place to use it to suffice him.... The freakin certificate is just for REGISTRATION FEES!! What?? So you want to draft out of my account each month just so I can burn and poison my skin?? 
Okay, whatever. I'll do it for a few times and cancel it.

Scenario Tres:
My 25th birthday.
I consider this birthday a milestone.I took it kind of hard.
I figured since he kinda bombed on the last two gift giving times I would make this easy peasy for the guy.
How did I do that, you ask?
I printed off pictures of EXACTLY what I wanted.
Gave him prices and store directions.
And I gave him PLENTY of options.
Have I mention how CHEAP he is???
What does he do??
I can tell you exactly what he did.
He waited until THE LAST MINUTE.

Went to Tarjay to get a card.
Was in the checkout line and decides to pick up a Starbucks Gift Card and a Tarjat Gift Card.
Yea yea everyone loves gift cards. And I do too.
The point is he waited until the last minute and didn't put any thought into my gift.

I'm the kind of girl that will take a cheap present as long as it has some thought put into it.
But I will also take an expensive one with some thought put into it.

Moving on.

Enter Scenarion Quatro:
Let me catch you up to speed real quick.
I've sorda become quite domesticated this past year.
So I told my parents I wanted a sewing machine for Christmas. Mom learned her lesson a few years ago and started going by my wishlist.
So since I got a sewing machine, I needed all the little stuff that went along with it. Such as scissors, thread, pins, pin cushion, you get the drift.
So Sugar Boo Pants, again waits until the last freakin minute,decides he wants to get me sewing stuff. I'm gonna give him credit here, I think he did put a little more thought into it this time.
But, he gets me quilting stuff and sewing stuff for mass productions.
This would be like me going into a hunting store and trying to pick him out some decoys or something. I'm just not gonna put myself through that.
I tell him I have to take some it back.
He gets pissy.
Then we kiss and make up. 

SBP did send me flowers to work for no reason at all.
Just love that man, even if he is helpless in the gift department.

*Please note:
I am extremely grateful for all the gift I have received. 
Im just bitching that SBP is cheap and waits until the last minute.
Thanks for not sending me hate mail.

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